Facebook, told the outspoken pro-Trump duo Diamond and Silk that their content was “dangerous” to their community. If you are familiar with Diamond and Silk you will realize how ignorant that charge is. If you aren’t familiar with the two, a link to their facebook page and videos are at the end of this post and I suggest you go enjoy.

Appearing on Fox and Friends Sunday morning, the not dangerous pair shredded CEO Mark Zuckerberg, telling him to “suck it up, buttercup” and let them speak their truth.

“How are we unsafe to the community,” they asked, telling Fox that they don’t sell drugs and don’t belong to a gang.

They asked why the social media giant is censoring two women even as the company claims to be for women.

According to the two women, they began seeing a drop in traffic and received emails from supporters wondering why their content wasn’t being seen.

After several months, they said the company finally responded, telling them they’re “dangerous to the community.”

When asked why they think this happened, they minced no words, saying Facebook now “wants to be a dictator” letting only certain content be seen. @DiamondandSilk: "If a privately owned bakery has to go against their Christian values to bake a cake, then Mark Zuckerberg is going to have to suck it up buttercup and allow Diamond and Silk to speak our truth."

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