Back From Astros Spring Training...

Back from Astros Spring Training with high hopes again!!!!!!

Blake Farenthold and Dale Rankin Island Moon, In The Box.

Katia Uriarte returns to the air today, 5, 6 and 10 KRIS TV Channel 6.

On the local Menu:

Spring Breakers leave behind 30 tons of, and this is just my experience, people don't travel with garbage bags.

Is Spring Break worth it?

Mayor McComb defends the City Manager Search. What are we criticizing? From the Caller

........"Amid mounting criticism of a months long city manager search, Mayor McComb took to the podium Friday to defend the council and the process."

Is there mounting criticism or is this just another backhanded swipe at Mayor McComb?

Let me settle some of your fears. Mayor Joe McComb is the walking epitome of transparency.

".....We want to get it right not's too important to rush..."

What's the problem?

Look at it from this angle. We're about to hire a guy who will be fired for the same reasons he was hired. How's that?

On The Border: Round The Clock Apprehensions. And......if you break into someone's home we should just look the other way?

The latest figures from the Border Patrol are mind-boggling and they should concern every citizen.

We are a Sovereign Nation, not the World's halfway house, not a charity, not a homeless shelter.

Our government's primary role is to preserve and protect the rights of its citizens. For those who think that Christian Charity and caring for the poor is something that can be outsourced to the government while they claim spiritual, it doesn't work that way,

I'm no Biblical scholar, I can, however, say with certainty that Jesus did not say, "For I was hungry and you demanded the wealthy pay more in taxes to feed me."

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