They Could Scream Injustice Forever...

The democrats think they can impeach President Trump with impunity. Figuring it would be like Clinton's one day trial and acquittal. They could scream Injustice forever.

Force the dems to make the case.

Like they did with Clarence Thomas......Brett Kavanaugh.

If Nancy Pelosi is serious about defending the Constitution....put the whistleblower on the stand, The Constitution requires the accuser to face the accused. That means putting Hunter

biden on the Stand. Donald Trump Jr was called to testify many times.....Parade that coke addled Biden before the cameras, drag the impeachment proceedings trial for a month. Put the President on the stand. Think he can handle it? Let's see....

Megan Kelly? Gone. JEB? Gone. Hillary? Wandering the planet in a tent dress muttering about losing......

Cause remember......Trump CAN'T WIN!.....

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