Photo: Missions in Haiti
An American couple was murdered by gang members while doing missionary work in Haiti. Authorities said that three people, including Davy Lloyd III and his wife, Natalie, were kidnapped by gangs in northern Port-au-Prince and then killed.
The couple worked for the group Missions in Haiti, Inc. In a post on Facebook, the organization said that Davy and Natalie were ambushed by gang members as they left a church. Davy was tied up and beaten while the gangs stole their vehicles and other items.
Davy, Natalie, and another person, identified only as Jude, retreated to a house at the end of the property as another gang arrived at the church complex. While that gang was there, one of their members was shot and killed, and a massive gunfight broke out.
"So they are holed up in there, the gangs has shot all the windows out of the house and continue to shoot. Their lives are in danger," Missions for Haiti explained.
The group tried to get an armored police car to escort them to safety and tried to negotiate with the gang for their safe release.
Unfortunately, the couple was shot and killed by the gang around 9 p.m., the organization wrote in a follow-up post.
Natalie was the daughter of Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker.
"My heart is broken in a thousand pieces. I've never felt this kind of pain," Baker wrote on Facebook.
"They went to Heaven together. Please pray for my family we desperately need strength. And please pray for the Lloyd family as well. I have no other words for now."