Tom Gresham's Gun Talk is the original national radio show about guns and the shooting sports. Airing coast to coast for more than two decades, Gun Talk runs on more than 255 stations each week. Call 866-TALK GUN (866-825-5486) to talk with Tom.

Tom is a nationally-known firearms expert, author and television host. His entire life has prepared him to be the host of Gun Talk. He has been shooting since the age of 6, and at 13 he was taking photographs for the best selling book The Complete Book of Bass Fishing, written by his father, Grits Gresham. Tom was co-author, with his famous father, of a syndicated newspaper column. Click here for more information on Gun Talk.

New Guns And Trends; Rubber Band Accurizing; What Happened To Remington?:03.23.25 Hour 1

Second Amendment Loses; Shooting Down Drones; Family Guns: 03.23.25 Hour 2

In This Hour:

-- Chuck Michel, from the California Rifle and Pistol Association. explains a terrible decision from the Ninth Circuit and how it could lead to a big win at the Supreme Court.

--  A new shotgun made for shooting down drones.

--  Guns that carry family memories.

Gun Talk 03.23.25 Hour 2

Self Defense Myths; Keltec Skunk Works; Space Age Bullet Coating: 03.23.25 Hour 3

In This Hour:

-- Myths and mistakes people make about using guns for self defense.  Chris Cerino, from Range Ready, gives insider tips on protecting yourself.

--  Texas target shooter and space-age coating for rifle bullets.

--  The "little" gun company that keeps cranking out innovative firearms.

Gun Talk 03.23.25 Hour 3

Family Gun Stories Continue; Hunting Grouse and Quail; Expired Pepper Spray: 03.23.25 After Show

In This Hour:

--  Family stories continue around a Montgomery Ward pump action 22.
--  Hunting grouse and quail 
--  Make sure you check the expiration date on your pepper spray

Gun Talk 03.23.25 After Show

One Gun, One Gunsmith & Why Overkill Matters | Gun Talk Nation

If you’re a shotgunner or in the market for a premium option, no doubt you’d love a Perazzi. Gun Talk Nation’s Ryan Gresham is joined by Perazzi USA’s Chris Bova to discuss what makes elite shotguns superior, why “overkill” in construction matters, Olympic prowess, and more.

This Gun Talk Nation is brought to you by Ruger, Range Ready Studios, Smith & Wesson, and Caldwell.

For more content, subscribe to Gun Talk at, on Gun Talk's Roku, Apple TV, iOS app, Android app, or find Gun Talk on YouTube, Rumble, Facebook, Instagram, X and Listen to all Gun Talk Podcasts with Spreaker, iHeart, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you find podcasts.

Copyright ©2025 Freefire Media, LLC

Gun Talk Nation 03.21.25

The Passing Of John Taffin; My Holster Fail; Choose Only One Rifle: 03.16.25 Hour 1

In This Hour:

-- For a generation of revolver lovers gun writer John Taffin was The Source.  His passing prompted Jason Cloesner, of Lipsey's, to recall the man, and also talk about a special commemorative revolver built around Taffin's ideal.

--  Tom gets a new carry holster, and it's a big fail.  What he did wrong.

--  You have to choose only one rifle for everything. Bolt action, semi-auto, lever action, and what caliber?

Gun Talk  03.16.25 Hour 1

How To Sell Your Guns; What Will The Threat Look Like?; Bear Protection Guns: 03.16.25 Hour 2

In This Hour:

There's a better way to sell you guns than have someone come to your house. Johnny Dury, of Dury's Guns, offers an alternative, whether you are selling one gun or a lifetime's collection.

--  What will your attacker look like?  

--  What guns are best for bear protection?

Gun Talk  03.16.25 Hour 2

Funny But Instructive Video Clips; Develop A Safety Mindset; Steyr AUG Semi-Autos: 03.16.25 Hour 3

In This Hour:

-- Funny man Steve Inman explains his commentaries on viral videos -- self defense gun uses.

--  How to develop a safety mindset.

--  A fresh look at the Steyr AUG semi-autos.

Gun Talk  03.16.25 Hour 3

Retired Cops Can Carry; Shotguns For Bear Defense; Lever Action Silencers: 03.16.25 After Show

In This Hour:

-- A reminder that retired police officers can carry under federal law.

--  Upgrade to tripple ought buckshot for bear defense.

--  Why is there a lever action rifle in .300 Blackout with a silencer?

Gun Talk 03.16.25 After Show

Poaching Bigfoot | Gun Talk Hunt

KJ embarks on a solo edition of Gun Talk Hunt to discuss poaching and how it almost gripped him at a young age. Plus, KJ shares a story that is so wild that it has given KJ nightmares since he heard it. 

This Gun Talk Hunt is brought to you by Ruger, Range Ready Studios, and EOTECH.

For more content, subscribe to Gun Talk at, on Gun Talk's Roku, Apple TV, iOS app, Android app, or find Gun Talk on YouTube, Rumble, Facebook, Instagram, X and Listen to all Gun Talk Podcasts with Spreaker, iHeart, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you find podcasts.

Copyright ©2025 Freefire Media, LLC

Gun Talk Hunt 03.15.25