November 15, 2017
We urge you to use these letters, and information posted on City/Town/County web sites, as an accurate source of information coming from the Long-Term Recovery (LTR) meetings.
1. The Burn Ban is still in place.
2. Assistance.a. Tzu Chi Foundation is returning on Saturday, November 18 to assist Aransas County residents. Details on the event and the list of properties are available on the City’s web site in the Spotlight section on the far right of the home page. Direct link is SBA. Over $61.1 million has been extended to Aransas County residents and businesses. We are seeking an extension to their November 30th deadline. They are available seven days a week 9 – 6 Monday through Saturday and 12 – 5 on Sunday in the white tent at the old HEB.c. FEMA. Over $25 million has been distributed in Aransas County. There have been 2,374 flood plain claims with $14 million paid out. They, too, have representatives on hand in the tent at the old HEB parking lot.d. Commission to Rebuild Texas. Aransas County, Rockport and Fulton have finalized our detailed list of needs and have submitted a request for $500 million.
3. Long Term Recovery (LTR) Group.a. Housing. With the debris program successfully underway, now focusing on housing for residents. FEMA and GLO will have a strike team in the area after Thanksgiving to examine needs and marshall programs that can respond to them. John Ellis of FEMA will be coordinating these efforts and working directly with the LTR.b. Community Development Workshop is planned to assist with economic and business redevelopment.c. Two new members have joined the staff of the LTR Group. Amy Montgomery, a volunteer for the past few months, will continue working with volunteers and donations. Tammy Kenner will act as the coordinator for LTR initiatives. Both are paid positions underwritten by grants.
4. Debris. a. Phase 1 is 70% complete. Over 1.4 million cubic yards off debris have been picked up by Crowder Gulf and over 250,00 by TxDOT.b. The holiday schedule for Crowder Gulf employees has been announced. There will be NO pickup of debris 11/22- 11/26, 12/23 – 12/28 and 12/31 – 1/2/18.
5. Well Testing Kits. Agri-Life has well testing kits available. Call them at 361.790.0103 to discuss pickup/delivery to coincide with their 11/21 shipment to the lab.
6. The boat ramp at Goose Island State Park reopens on November 18. Because of damage to the park, access is restricted to the ramp and Rec Hall parking lot/bathrooms.
7. Save the Date!! Tropical Christmas will be held on Saturday, December 2. Applications for vendors, tree decoration contest, and participation in the illuminated night parade are available online or emailing
It’s getting better every day!!