Surfside will host our 4th Annual Wounded Warrior Beach Bash Friday, September14th –Sunday, September 16th. Wounded Warrior Families will arrive Friday, 9/14th at 5pm and stay through Sunday 9/16th at 3pm staying as our guest in the condos. We are requesting owners to assist with this weekend in a variety of opportunities as a way to give back to families who have sacrificed so much for our American freedom. We are increasing our number of WW families this year by popular demand, therefore 19 condos are needed. Please return this form or, contact Linda Lindsey or Debi by 8/10 if you can assist in any of the following ways. Last year we were short three condos, so please assist us w/condo donation.
_____Yes, I will donate the use of my downstairs condo for a Wounded Warrior Family.
_____Yes, I will donate the use of my upstairs condo for a Wounded Warrior Family.
_____Enclosed is a monetary donation to purchase a Welcome Basket for each family.
_____Enclosed is $100 to sponsor meals and activities for the Wounded Warrior Weekend.
_____My business will be a sponsor in the amount of $_________for the Wounded Warrior Weekend.
_____I will seek sponsors for the Wounded Warrior Weekend in money/activities/ or meals.
_____I will meet Thursday evening 9/13 at 6:30pm to assist in organizing final preparations and welcome baskets.
_____I will be at the condos for the weekend to assist with the Wounded Warrior Weekend.
Make Checks Payable to Wounded Warrior. ALL Donations are Tax Deductible & will be receipted.
All donations are used for this local event and are spent specifically on our Surfside Wounded Warrior Families. This event has been a huge success due to the generosity of our Surfside family; THANK YOU! Contact us with any ideas, or suggestions as our Surfside Family comes together with our Wounded Warrior Families in a time of friendship and appreciation. Please Return Form or Contact Us By August 10th
Respectfully Submitted,
Skeet & Linda Lindsey (owners #222 & #216) Debi/Mgr Surfside Condominiums830/591-8212 361-929-4356