George Washington’s Christmas Eggnog Recipe:
“One quart cream
one quart milk
one dozen tablespoons sugar
one pint brandy
½ pint rye whiskey
½ pint Jamaica rum
¼ pint sherry
mix liquor first
then separate yolks and whites of 12 eggs
add sugar to beaten yolks
mix well.
Add milk and cream, slowly beating.
Beat whites of eggs until stiff and fold slowly into mixture.
Let set in cool place for several days.
Taste frequently.”
Our first President knew his onions - and eggnog. He was also one of the new nation's first major distillers, with a marked preference for rye whiskey.
Merry Christmas everybody. God bless us every one,and God Bless America.
I haven't had a drink since 13 January 1986. I got a buzz just reading that recipe....